Tuesday, November 8, 2011


          My youngest, having lived with himself and his brother for seven years now, has grown rather accustomed to what he and his brother see.  The morning and evening conversations are so routine that he has started prompting his older brother with the same questions he has heard from me.  It's scary how close our children are listening even when we think they aren't.  He has also, unwittingly, developed into my little barometer for what is going on in the house energetically or spiritually.  This is rather helpful because I have found that my own intuitiveness depend heavily on my groundedness at any given moment.  My own gifts don't feel like they manifest themselves quite as readily as my children's, but that would be a topic for another time.       
          Frequently, I will send my youngest upstairs to change into his pajamas quickly before his "favorite show", which is inevitably some Sponge Bob episode.  Most of the time he will do just that if I can get him focused long enough.  Usually that focus requires a challenge, "Let's see if you can get changed before I can count to 50."  That focuses him just long enough to get the job done, but there are those occasions when challenges like that mean nothing.  He'll make it to the bottom of the stairs and reply, "Can you come with me?" 
          "What do you mean?  You can change on your own.  Besides, I already started counting."  Was my usual reply many months ago.  To wit he would inform me that he wasn't going up alone because 'someone was up there following him around.'  Of course, back then I would forget who I was dealing with and my heart sunk, as I imagined an intruder lurking in the spare room; but then I remembered.  Yep, there very well could be someone up there following him around.   He could sense it even though he might not be able to see who or what it was yet.  He didn't say whether it was good or bad, but he did know that the change made him uncomfortable and that was completely valid. 
          His older brother quickly informed us all that it was probably a dog that was following him around.  It was probably the same dog that sleeps on his bed almost every night.  He described the dog as having long brown hair and whitish tummy.  Tears came to my eyes.  He was describing my childhood dog, Cocoa.
          It's interesting how they see and feel different things, sometimes at the same time, sometimes at completely different times.  Where one child will see something, the other will sense it...feel its energy.  I can only assume that their gifts will be as varied and unique as the gifts of, perhaps two talented musicians.  They are not exactly the same but still very talented nonetheless.

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